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Category Archives: Health

5 Causes of Pubic Pain During Menstruation That Women Should Know

5 Causes of Pubic Pain During Menstruation That Women Should Know

For women who experience headaches, cramps, or tightness in the genital area during menstruation, along with dull pain in the pubic area, you may wonder what causes these symptoms and whether they indicate abnormalities in the body. So, let’s examine the causes of dull pain

Bloody stools are a risk factor for 6 extremely dangerous diseases

Bloody stools are a risk factor for 6 extremely dangerous diseases

Before you flush the toilet, you should take a look at the characteristics of your feces. Our health can be easily determined by our feces, whether it be the size, color, smell, or external characteristics. The obvious normality that many people may be shocked to see is bloody

7 fruits that you should eat while losing weight

7 fruits that you should eat while losing weight

Want to lose weight without cutting out carbohydrates? especially from fruit Many people believe that losing weight requires cutting out carbohydrates. But it’s actually not necessary! especially fruit Packed with important nutrients Helps nourish the body And makes you feel full for a long time. Fiber, vitamins,